This programme has seen exceptional success in empowering young girls, providing a platform for them to explore their passions, build confidence, and embrace leadership roles.
Programme Summary
The intitiative has sparked enthusiasim and determination among young girls, breaking down barriers aand stereotypes that may hinder their progress in society.
We run our Her Move Activities Club programmes in North Shore, West Auckland, South Auckland, Hamilton, Matamata, Upper Hutt, Christchurch and Oamaru.
The goal of the Club is to see its members feel confident enough to engage with community active recreation offerings outside of the programme. Our Youthtown team create a safe space to explore local active experiences after-school, on weekends and during the holidays.
Why Her Move Activities Club?
Schools identify and nominate students who need support. Our team works to build safe, positive connections with these students throughout their time on the programme. In addition, we connect them to safe local community providers who can progress their interests and support their physical and emotional needs. We work with these providers to ensure they understand the kaupapa of the programme.
Her Move Activities Club involves a range of engaging physical activities, giving young females the opportunity to stay active in a non-competitive environment. Through this strengths-based lens, they have the chance to empower themselves, learn important life skills, gain confidence, unlock potential and break down barriers. Participants are encouraged to incorporate their voice and have a direct say in what they would like to give a go: our team then works to make this happen! The programme can be staggered across the school year to best suit different age groups’ needs around their commitments, such as exams. Within the programme itself, senior students or ‘graduates’ of Her Move are invited to return to support newer/younger participants.
What is involved?
• 2 hours per week, during term time
• Sessions held on-site at school, or externally at a community space/provider facility
• A new physical activity introduced and explored each week
• Each session comprises: welcome, workshop to explore activity/theme, energizer, physical activity, reflection
How do we know it works?
Participant Stories
“I am not very active due to not having very much time before and after school to play sports due to having to do schoolwork while still having downtime. I chose to participate in this program as it included archery and horse riding and the school doesn't typically offer anything for people wanting to do archery, I also was wanting to try new activities. I was a little nervous when joining as I didn't know how many people would be joining the club and whether everyone was going to get along or not, but I feel everything worked out with the number of people and how everyone interacted with each other. I feel that I became more confident in the different activities as we learnt about each topic and used those new skills when doing each activity. I feel quite accomplished and happy for trying new things and putting myself out there when given the option for each activity in doing my best even when I was not very confident or knowledgeable of the activity.”
“I wasn't active beforehand mainly because my family had too busy of a schedule, due to both my parents being business owners, so we couldn't always find the time to commit to my desired sport. I did the programme to get the chance to try out different sports, and get little previews of each unique sport, free of charge, instead of spending a whole lot of money on a sport I might end up not liking. I was nervous about certain sports, purely from basic knowledge I had previously about said sport, such as horse riding, which didn't seem all that appealing to me personally at first glance. I put myself out of my comfort zone, and tried the different sports, and ended up liking it, due to the opportunity to try it out. A bit sad now that it is over, and that I won't be able to try out more of the sports I had to miss out on, such as rock climbing, due to my parents’ busy schedule, and exam times throughout the different weeks. As well as a bit excited to possibly pursue certain sports I really enjoyed when participating in the activities.”
PO Box 5899
Victoria Street West
Auckland City 1142